A lovely spin on a classic silhouette. Just Cavalli got it right imo.

I remember having an Iceberg shirt when I was in high school. It was somewhat ugly, but I was so obsessed with the idea of my poor ass having something designer that it didn't matter. I also had a red Moschino sweater...now that I think about it...where the hell did I get those? lol. Anyway, these shoes are great.

Gaetano Nevarra I <3!

As you know, Francesco Scognamiglio is my fav designer like ever. How I let his spring/summer shoe collection slip me by is beyond me. I won't let it happen again. Both of the following pics are his work. *fainting*

These are Blumarine. I can't say that I love very many white shoes, especially not boots, but I will rock these bad boys in a millisecond

I first got a glimpse of Aquilano.Rimondi last year and I loved what I saw so much that I posted some of their pieces here last year around this same time. Needless to say, with these shoes they continue to impress.

Talk about fun! Never heard of Arnoldo and Battois before, but I will definitely be keeping an eye out from now on

Anastasia Radevich ass busters. lol. I like to think I'm pretty good in my heels, but idk how even I would fare in these. Maybe they look a lot crazier than they actually are. I think it may be all the empty space has me thinking they might be less than stable. I don't even know if these are for wear. I should look that up. Either way, aren't they LOVELY? Fiber optics and all.

I love Alberta Ferretti's romantic take on sandals. There needs to be more of this going on.

Versace...the tan and blues on the right...sheesh

YSL WOWZERS! The pony hair! Bad Bitch material if I've ever seen it.

The B in Balenciaga stands for B. E. A. U. T. Y. lol My GOSH I love this!

Christian Dior playful funness

McQueen...ay dios mio

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