Tukie and I playing model

My brother loves the camera...seriously

My lil man turned 1!!! Yay!!!
I had a super DOOOOOPE weekend bro fuh real. It started out Friday night chillen wit two of the infamous BOURG crew in Faneuil Hall drunk as a skunk eatin chicken teriyaki from Hong Kongs on a bench in a half top I made from a dress, high waisted skinnies, and gold heeled BCBG booties. Dope. Booski came and got me and brought me home. I haven't seen him in a lil while so that was cool. The next day I got up with one of the bestie's aka Tukie aka she who speaks of herself in the 3rd person aka the trick who decided to up and move to NY without notice last year...I wanted to kick her ass but I've since goten over it cuz she's def making moves and I can't hate on that. My bro and his bf and my cuz Joycey and fellow BOURGette Basi came thru too 2 my crib too. We had a fantastic breakfast (Well Basi and I did anyway. lol. Tuk's bagle was ...in her words...BUHNT). While we were eating my brother had a photo shoot on my camera phone...he is too much. We then proceeded to one of my fav shopping destinations where I copped this dope vintage blue leather overnight bag and the sunnies I'm rockin in the pic above. I probably bought some other stuff too but I'm such an impulse buyer that I forget what I cop sometimes. I'm a good impulse buyer though. I don't think I've ever copped something and been like WTF WAS I THINKING?!?!?! the next day. lol. from $2 to $200 I love it all. Anywho, that was fine and dandy. After that shopping my bro his bf my cuz and I went to the mall cuz i had to cop something for the sexiest lil dude's bday. My nephew is completely adorable and he turned 1 :). I got him sum gear and kicks (of course) and then it was to the crib to get dressed for the night. Me, Basi and Tukie ended up at the Kells and decided to dip once Tukie started falling asleep in the club. lol. She is FAMOUS for that. We caught a bus (don't ask how, I thought the Night Owl ended years ago) and I ended up having a run in with a dude I use to talk to that I'm not gunna name, but he's WILDERNESS. I can't even go into detail about how wild this man gets with me. It's just short of a restraining order. With the help of my lovelies I escaped that situation and we went to their sisters crib and K.O.'d. Sunday was a great day too but this post is getting too long so long story short started the day off with some way too early morning shopping with my sis and Joycey, went to my lil chocolate man's bday party and had a blast, Went to Blue Wave downtown wid di krew dem, rode my first motorcycle and loved it so much I asked my boy to pick me up at my house afta the club so that I could ride again, did such until 4:30 am, spent Monday being a complete lazy body with my sisters and Joycey...and now I'm at work typing this post from work...o shit I'm at work! Gotta go! I'll holla :)
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