ok so my life may have just gotten a little more exciting. Actually, no, it definitely did. Last week I was looking through the BOLDFACERS website and I decided it would be pretty nice to work for them. So like I've done with a million other places I see and like I sent them an email asking if they needed any help. I never get anything back (womp to you Boston night clubs and Forever21), but imagine my surprise when only a few hours later I was emailed by the founder of the online 'zine herself. I had an interview last Friday, chose to stay and help out, and that was that. On Thursday I'll be working at the vintage pop up shop being held at The W hotel in downtown Boston. Monday I'm supposed to be helping out at a shoot. This is almost like a dream come true. The only part missing is that it's unpaid. I probably wouldn't have landed the position if it were though, so they get my labor and I get to learn. Sounds great to me! Come out and support on Thursday! It's at the brand spankin new W hotel...you know you wana... :)
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