Thursday, October 28, 2010
Boutique Week Pic
Just another quick pic from the Boutique Week Kick off party...me and Christian working hard. Lol. My face looks bulldogish and something is happening with the seams of my boots. Life continues.

Eddie Borgo Jeweled Pumpkin
OMFG I wish I had more time before my sister's Halloween party! I would absolutely make this. She would def appreciate it too. Too bad I have to make a million cupcakes and magic wands after work today, my evening after work tomorrow is already planned, and I'll be in a Community Organizing module all day Saturday...and then it's time for the party. Drats. I hope that I remember this next year because I'm SO making it if I do...maybe I can bring a jeweled turkey to my moms for Thanksgiving....LMAO!

If you have more time on your hands than me then go for it. Find the instructions here: http://www.wacowla.com/2009/11/%E6%96%87article-a-vogue-halloween-eddie-borgo-on-how-to-make-his-jeweled-pumpkin/

If you have more time on your hands than me then go for it. Find the instructions here: http://www.wacowla.com/2009/11/%E6%96%87article-a-vogue-halloween-eddie-borgo-on-how-to-make-his-jeweled-pumpkin/
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Boutique Week Kick Off Party
I covered the Boutique Week Kick Off Party for BOLDFACERS last week. Here are a few outfit pics me and my sister Nina took in the bathroom before the festivities. I was running around half the night and then drinking the other half so I forgot to take more pics. We had a good time. Can't wait for Tuesday :)
Me and my Nina :)

Me. I finally found an outfit decent enough to wear this furry thing I got from H&M with. Actually I did wear it last year for New Years, but I was only inside my moms house. Fur is tough for me especially since I can't do real. It just seems so barbaric. lol. Like just having dead animal on you...idk it's weird. I wouldn't want anything or anyone to want to wear my skin and fur. Faux works well. Although I'm not sure whether or not my all time fav reversible fur vest is real or not...hmmm...

Nina. She like colors. I'm surprised her hair isn't multi-toned. lol

The two oldest members of The 6...an unbreakable bond indeed <3
Me and my Nina :)

Me. I finally found an outfit decent enough to wear this furry thing I got from H&M with. Actually I did wear it last year for New Years, but I was only inside my moms house. Fur is tough for me especially since I can't do real. It just seems so barbaric. lol. Like just having dead animal on you...idk it's weird. I wouldn't want anything or anyone to want to wear my skin and fur. Faux works well. Although I'm not sure whether or not my all time fav reversible fur vest is real or not...hmmm...

Nina. She like colors. I'm surprised her hair isn't multi-toned. lol

The two oldest members of The 6...an unbreakable bond indeed <3

Friday, October 22, 2010
Eric Daman for CR?!
When the hell did Charlotte Russe Jump on the collabo bandwagon? And how in the world did they get Gossip Girl stylist Eric Daman on board? Shit man, things are changing! I LOVE IT!!! All of these dresses are $39.99. They are my favs of the collection. The ones that cost more are ugly as all hell. To me anyway.
Velvet and Lace lovliness. My college roommate and I have a running joke about crushed velvet. lol. This works though.

This is just called Fitted Black Dress. It reminds me of an extremely toned down version of one of the dresses from my all time fav Francesco Scognamiglio's most recent collection.

I like polka dots that are the same color as the item that they're on but in a different fabric/texture. It's so nice to look at.

I don't think I'll be going out of my way to cop any of these. The other dresses are not my type of thing at all. Maybe he should have created entire looks instead of just a few dresses because that seems to be more his thing. I would expect so much more from a person of his standing. Maybe next time?
Velvet and Lace lovliness. My college roommate and I have a running joke about crushed velvet. lol. This works though.

This is just called Fitted Black Dress. It reminds me of an extremely toned down version of one of the dresses from my all time fav Francesco Scognamiglio's most recent collection.

I like polka dots that are the same color as the item that they're on but in a different fabric/texture. It's so nice to look at.

I don't think I'll be going out of my way to cop any of these. The other dresses are not my type of thing at all. Maybe he should have created entire looks instead of just a few dresses because that seems to be more his thing. I would expect so much more from a person of his standing. Maybe next time?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Myself and a fellow BOLDFACER Dan (he's one of our photographers) at the Beehive for one of the fashion week kick off parties

I just came up with an advertising campaign for BOLDFACERS and Lisa Pierpont (founder/editor in chief and did I mention EMMY AWARD WINNER) loved it! Not only that she asked me to spearhead it! I'm uber excited to take this on I've never done anything like this before. We will meet up sometime soon and discuss how it's going to be attacked. I can't wait to be able to share more, but because it's in the extreme beginning stages (I came up with it this morning upon waking up and just told her about it like an hour ago) I probably shouldn't jump too far ahead of myself. I hope it works out fantastically. I had been on a creative slump for like a year. Literally. Hardly any writing, dancing, or creating for months on end until very recently when I realized I'm in charge of my destiny. I think I really hit rock bottom as far as being able to keep up with this stupid ass paper pushing job I have. It was ruining my mind until I came to the understanding that shit didn't have to be that way. But hey, it pays the bills right? Hopefully something else will be able to aid me in doing such in the very near future. Oh yeah, I'm planning to strike out on my own and I'll have deets about that soon as well (I hope). Can't wait to share everything!

I just came up with an advertising campaign for BOLDFACERS and Lisa Pierpont (founder/editor in chief and did I mention EMMY AWARD WINNER) loved it! Not only that she asked me to spearhead it! I'm uber excited to take this on I've never done anything like this before. We will meet up sometime soon and discuss how it's going to be attacked. I can't wait to be able to share more, but because it's in the extreme beginning stages (I came up with it this morning upon waking up and just told her about it like an hour ago) I probably shouldn't jump too far ahead of myself. I hope it works out fantastically. I had been on a creative slump for like a year. Literally. Hardly any writing, dancing, or creating for months on end until very recently when I realized I'm in charge of my destiny. I think I really hit rock bottom as far as being able to keep up with this stupid ass paper pushing job I have. It was ruining my mind until I came to the understanding that shit didn't have to be that way. But hey, it pays the bills right? Hopefully something else will be able to aid me in doing such in the very near future. Oh yeah, I'm planning to strike out on my own and I'll have deets about that soon as well (I hope). Can't wait to share everything!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A fellow sailor-mouthed chica, Lily Allen

Swears have such a bad rap. I love swearing. Well I don't know if I love it, but using them is important to me. I am a very emotional person. Not like a crybaby or over the top or easily offended emotional...but I like for the person that I'm speaking with to know EXACTLY what I'm trying to say. I like adjectives and I like swears. Sometimes swears are adjectives. Say I'm having the following conversation... PERSON 1: "Oh my look at those shoes! They're so ugly!" PERSON 2: "Why, yes, they are rather ugly indeed." PERSON 1: "I can't even think of a way to describe those shoes they're so ugly!"... In case you hadn't noticed I'm PERSON 2 (ELL OH ELL!) (I also like spelling out "aimspeak"). Do you know what my response would be in that situation? "Shit". That is the only word you need to describe the shoe's ugliness. Tragic and hideous also come to mind, but they simply might not be what I'm looking for at the time. I've heard the saying before that people that swear a lot have limited vocabularies and if you know me you know that that shit is absolutely NOT true. Sometimes a swear is exactly what you need. Sometimes "bitch ass" is the only thing that can be used to show how strongly one feels about something. Swears are words too. Remember that. Someone just decided that they were bad. It's a grouping of letters like any other word. It has a meaning. So if you're ever judged because someone thinks you swear too much I have a response already ready for you: "Fuck it".

Swears have such a bad rap. I love swearing. Well I don't know if I love it, but using them is important to me. I am a very emotional person. Not like a crybaby or over the top or easily offended emotional...but I like for the person that I'm speaking with to know EXACTLY what I'm trying to say. I like adjectives and I like swears. Sometimes swears are adjectives. Say I'm having the following conversation... PERSON 1: "Oh my look at those shoes! They're so ugly!" PERSON 2: "Why, yes, they are rather ugly indeed." PERSON 1: "I can't even think of a way to describe those shoes they're so ugly!"... In case you hadn't noticed I'm PERSON 2 (ELL OH ELL!) (I also like spelling out "aimspeak"). Do you know what my response would be in that situation? "Shit". That is the only word you need to describe the shoe's ugliness. Tragic and hideous also come to mind, but they simply might not be what I'm looking for at the time. I've heard the saying before that people that swear a lot have limited vocabularies and if you know me you know that that shit is absolutely NOT true. Sometimes a swear is exactly what you need. Sometimes "bitch ass" is the only thing that can be used to show how strongly one feels about something. Swears are words too. Remember that. Someone just decided that they were bad. It's a grouping of letters like any other word. It has a meaning. So if you're ever judged because someone thinks you swear too much I have a response already ready for you: "Fuck it".
Friday, October 15, 2010
I live in a shack. I've talked about it millions of times. I have never had any interest in interior design. I use to always say I'd much rather decorate myself. Well I got sick of not wanting to be in my house because of how stupid it is. lol. I've recently been looking into decorating ideas and I've realized that I can take the same asthetic that I use when I get myself all decorated...throw whatever I feel like wearing on. lol. My mom is huge on decorating and she's really matchy so that's all that I ever grew up with. Even though I somehow turned out an oddball gearwise I never realized that I could apply those same principals to my space. I can mix my style in my apartment in the same way that I wear thigh high bondage boots with fur vests over thrifted jean jackets. I like old and new mixed together...why not do that at home? I was so happy when I came to that conclusion and I'm EXTREMELY excited to start out :). I know that this is going to be a very time (and money) consuming project so I hope to be done by summer. Here are some pictures that have all sorts of great thoughts bouncing about in my head...
Sorage under a tall table is a great idea. My apartment is tiny so things like this are golden to me.

Remember my Marilyn Monroe mirror? I've always thought that I would hang it over my dresser, but this makes me think that maybe I should just rest it on top instead. That leaves space for something else to go over the dresser :). I'm also on the hunt for chandeliers. I have one in my living and one in my bedroom, but they are the WACKEST. lol. Idk if I can jazz them up. My mom says installation of new ones can be pretty costly. I'll look into it more.

I wish that I had another closet so that I could do something like this. My apartment has one closet and it's miniscule. I do have a back hallway that I think can be salvaged. I have some great ideas that I'm going to work on and see if I can make that space a part of my house. I'm thinking a dressing room...yea...that will probably be the most enjoyable part of all if I can figure out how to make it work.

A tall book case is something I can't believe I didn't just think up on my own. Space near the ceiling is usually not utilized, but for a small apartment like mine not only does it need to be, it can also make a room seem less crowded and more open by bringing the eye up.

I LOVE this couch treatment. The throw over the back of the couch and the additional one to the side are lovely to me. I will most likely be using that. OMG if I could find a furry black throw...divine. I've also always loved throw pillows because they can just be so darn cute. I'm excited that now I can buy any one I see that I like because I will find a place for it no matter what. The deer head in the frame is also a fantastic idea. The other day I saw a picture of a shelf with a vase full of beautiful flowers in it within a frame. I was going to do that (and I still may), but seeing this has opened my eyes to the vast possibilities. Another thing that's important about this picture is the use of shelving. I'm not sure if my landlord will let me add some anywhere, but it's my hope that he gives me the thumbs up.

Old jars for tea lights! Brilliant! I'm going to stop throwing mine away immediately.

I just keep my qtips, cotton balls, etc in the bags/boxes/containers that they come in, but this is definitely a cuter idea. Makes things more accessible too.

Another great basket idea! I've always had problems storing linens and bath items. This is a perfect solution for me. The flower in the vase on the side is a cute addition. I could also put a nice lil sculpture over there.

I long ago decided that the space above the cabinets in my kitchen needed to be used. I was thinking about using fake plants, but bowls or other knick knacks could work too. I'll look into that more or just wait until I have that aha! moment when I see what I just KNOW belongs up there. lol

More random framing. People have such lovely ideas :)

all pics taken from the Small Space Style blog listed to the left.
Sorage under a tall table is a great idea. My apartment is tiny so things like this are golden to me.

Remember my Marilyn Monroe mirror? I've always thought that I would hang it over my dresser, but this makes me think that maybe I should just rest it on top instead. That leaves space for something else to go over the dresser :). I'm also on the hunt for chandeliers. I have one in my living and one in my bedroom, but they are the WACKEST. lol. Idk if I can jazz them up. My mom says installation of new ones can be pretty costly. I'll look into it more.

I wish that I had another closet so that I could do something like this. My apartment has one closet and it's miniscule. I do have a back hallway that I think can be salvaged. I have some great ideas that I'm going to work on and see if I can make that space a part of my house. I'm thinking a dressing room...yea...that will probably be the most enjoyable part of all if I can figure out how to make it work.

A tall book case is something I can't believe I didn't just think up on my own. Space near the ceiling is usually not utilized, but for a small apartment like mine not only does it need to be, it can also make a room seem less crowded and more open by bringing the eye up.

I LOVE this couch treatment. The throw over the back of the couch and the additional one to the side are lovely to me. I will most likely be using that. OMG if I could find a furry black throw...divine. I've also always loved throw pillows because they can just be so darn cute. I'm excited that now I can buy any one I see that I like because I will find a place for it no matter what. The deer head in the frame is also a fantastic idea. The other day I saw a picture of a shelf with a vase full of beautiful flowers in it within a frame. I was going to do that (and I still may), but seeing this has opened my eyes to the vast possibilities. Another thing that's important about this picture is the use of shelving. I'm not sure if my landlord will let me add some anywhere, but it's my hope that he gives me the thumbs up.

Old jars for tea lights! Brilliant! I'm going to stop throwing mine away immediately.

I just keep my qtips, cotton balls, etc in the bags/boxes/containers that they come in, but this is definitely a cuter idea. Makes things more accessible too.

Another great basket idea! I've always had problems storing linens and bath items. This is a perfect solution for me. The flower in the vase on the side is a cute addition. I could also put a nice lil sculpture over there.

I long ago decided that the space above the cabinets in my kitchen needed to be used. I was thinking about using fake plants, but bowls or other knick knacks could work too. I'll look into that more or just wait until I have that aha! moment when I see what I just KNOW belongs up there. lol

More random framing. People have such lovely ideas :)

all pics taken from the Small Space Style blog listed to the left.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
OMG. If you have not seen these new dresses and jumpers yet...my gosh. Prepare to be amazed. This is art right here. BEAUTY!!! I picked my top ten...and it was hard, but they're shown below. To see all of the gear chack out www.nitrolicious.com. I'm having a hard time writing because of how stunned I am. Jeebus. The last dress collection that I loved this much was Versace's Sp2010 Atelier collection (you can check that out here http://www.fabsugar.com/2010-Spring-Versace-Atelier-Look-Book-Featuring-Kasia-Struss-7858208 if you haven't already seen it in my Shaunie Luvs facebook photo albums. They spelled Kasia's last name wrong). Choosing which one I love most would be hard. lol.
This is a beautiful mix of sexy (tight dress) and classic (beautiful flowing train).

A jumpsuit and a bolero...so NY meets Mexico. lol.

If I were a superhero that only wore couture I would wear this. Doesn't it look like I could take flight using the drapes of fabric? lol.

The beading on this...sheesh...

I've never seen her in anything similar, so I don't know why I feel as though this would be perfect for Daphne Guinness. lol. Look at me tryna play style matchmaker.

While I'm at it...this is perfect for Beyonce's country girl meets urbania over the top frooffiness.

And in this I can see Chloe Sevigny or Sienna Miller...or me...because I fuckin LOVE this!

If there's ever a need for a goddess in a movie to somehow be connected to spiders...she should rock this.

The cobweb design in this collection has me fainting everywhere

Simply lovely.

Isn't this collection WONDERFUL?!
This is a beautiful mix of sexy (tight dress) and classic (beautiful flowing train).

A jumpsuit and a bolero...so NY meets Mexico. lol.

If I were a superhero that only wore couture I would wear this. Doesn't it look like I could take flight using the drapes of fabric? lol.

The beading on this...sheesh...

I've never seen her in anything similar, so I don't know why I feel as though this would be perfect for Daphne Guinness. lol. Look at me tryna play style matchmaker.

While I'm at it...this is perfect for Beyonce's country girl meets urbania over the top frooffiness.

And in this I can see Chloe Sevigny or Sienna Miller...or me...because I fuckin LOVE this!

If there's ever a need for a goddess in a movie to somehow be connected to spiders...she should rock this.

The cobweb design in this collection has me fainting everywhere

Simply lovely.

Isn't this collection WONDERFUL?!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I had never hear of L'wren Scott shoes. And then I saw these bad boys. I thought...maybe I just didn't know that L'wren Scott had shoes. But with a name that well known and shoes this dope I couldn't accept that a shoe line had just gone under the radar. And then I discovered that until now none of the shoes seen on the runway had ever been produced. Well they picked a damn good place to start cuz these are the bees knees. And they're on sale at Barney's. Down from $2,725 they're only $2,635 now! Yay! Running out to cop mine! (I shouldn't have to write this, but please note the sarcasm). There's also an ankle version, but that's no fun.

An award needs to be given to whoever decided that this color should be produced as opposed to a gray (which I would LOVE too) or a brown or something. This is a beautiful damn shoe.

Black pair- http://www.barneys.com/Cut-Out%20Over-The-Knee%20Boot/500902744,default,pd.html
Pale pair- http://www.barneys.com/Cut-Out%20Over-The-Knee%20Boot/500902760,default,pd.html

An award needs to be given to whoever decided that this color should be produced as opposed to a gray (which I would LOVE too) or a brown or something. This is a beautiful damn shoe.

Black pair- http://www.barneys.com/Cut-Out%20Over-The-Knee%20Boot/500902744,default,pd.html
Pale pair- http://www.barneys.com/Cut-Out%20Over-The-Knee%20Boot/500902760,default,pd.html
Friday, October 1, 2010
FRANCESCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Omg honey you never disappoint! I never thought about who my fav designer was until I was asked by a friend. I thought about it long and hard and chose Mr. Scognamiglio because up to that point he had never created anything that I would absolutely not wear. And he has done it again. I just can't get over how perfect his gear fits everything that I love. lol. I look forward to everything he ever does.
Imagine me...in this...with a shiny tight ass top knot. *FAINTS*

My favorite item in the collection. I'd do something strange for this dress. lol.

The reason that I don't own a "staple" LBD is because I can't afford one like this.

He got so wild on them. Wtf can you say to her?! She has an eagle on her grill.

This belt...ooo la la. The outfit is great too.

This was almost my fav outfit. In the slideshow this was #11...the dress was #23 and as soon as I saw it this got replaced. lol

This is like something a sexy diva bitch angel would wear. lol. The material...is ethereal

What if your boss walked into work in this?! If I get the chance to be so successful that I'm rolling in dough...and I'm your boss...it will happen.
Imagine me...in this...with a shiny tight ass top knot. *FAINTS*

My favorite item in the collection. I'd do something strange for this dress. lol.

The reason that I don't own a "staple" LBD is because I can't afford one like this.

He got so wild on them. Wtf can you say to her?! She has an eagle on her grill.

This belt...ooo la la. The outfit is great too.

This was almost my fav outfit. In the slideshow this was #11...the dress was #23 and as soon as I saw it this got replaced. lol

This is like something a sexy diva bitch angel would wear. lol. The material...is ethereal

What if your boss walked into work in this?! If I get the chance to be so successful that I'm rolling in dough...and I'm your boss...it will happen.

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