I broke my camera and my life has been hectic. Beyond hectic. I was in school full time, working full time, doing an internship, and my family is going bonkers. Those are the reasons why I broke my promise that I would begin blogging again soon. But this time I'm not lying. I've been having way too much fun with life not to share. I'll begin with a few random updates just because I gotta start somewhere right? The quality of my pics is probably....not it definitely will be shit because I have to use the camera on my phone until I find another camera that I enjoy. I'd really enjoy a dope lil Nikon, but that would have to be something I save up for and buy as a Christmas gift to myself or something like that. Here are random things that have popped off over the last few months...
I've started wearing my hair out a lot more. I wear weave most of the time because my hair is SUPER difficult to deal with and I'm way too focused on my gear to care to fight with it on a daily basis. I think it was Fredric Fekkai that said "Hair is an accessory that you wear everyday" and I couldn't agree more. I just wish that I had the strength and know how to dedicate to managing mine. Braids, tracks, and wigs work just as well though. Ultimate accessories indeed. A lot of people think that I'm bald because of it, and I can't really blame them, but as my good friend Prils likes to say "They can kick rocks with no socks".

I scored this BEAUTIFUL Jessica McClintock dress for my lil sis to wear to prom for an astounding $60. From Saks. I promise I'm not lying. I'm good at what I do and I'm not too shy to admit it. With my knack for discovering sales and coupons and my persuasive powers combined...I'm telling ya'll I'm a professional deal finder. You better holla at me.
I then went into my closet and found this dress I'd bought from H&M for like 20 bucks last Black Friday (my favorite day of the year) and decided I wanted to join her. I knew I'd find a reason to wear this dress. I truly think it says "I'm going to prom, but I'm not overdoing it cuz it's not my prom". Never pass on something you fall in love with if it's a good deal guys. It will come in handy someday. Oh yea, so I wouldn't feel so bad about being at my third prom at 24 years old I recruited my girl Alisha to join me (that's her in the background, hey String Bean!). We're thinking about making prom crashing an annual event.

I don't know that I've ever shared my love of rings with you guys, but I have a love of rings. I won't leave home without them. I feel like your hands are so visible and you use them so much during the day... they should be interesting to look at if you can help it. But what I have might be a problem. I've literally been locking my door to run to the corner store real quick and realized I'm not wearing any rings...and yes I do run my little ass back inside to get one or a few. I feel so naked without them :(. Anywho, meet the Adderbite Snake Ring. It's by far my favorite ring that I've ever purchased. It doesn't go well with many things, but I love it so much that I wear it with almost everything. Isn't it FANTASTIC?! It's a half size too big and I had to pay double the price (had to go through a NY company to get one shipped over from London), but it was worth every damn penny.

Lastly, here's my baby TAJ all grown up. He's getting neutered in two days. I just hope that he's my same energetic, super happy son when he comes home. Oh yea, I have to drop him off at like 8 in the morning and go back to get him around 3pm. I can't stand the idea of leaving him with strangers. I cried about it, but what must be done must be done. I just hope that he doesn't hate mommy forever for putting him through this :(

Welp, that's it for now ladies and germs. I think my next post will be about the newest shoes I've bought. I almost always take pics of my new shoes so I'm sure I have a few that I can share. Talk to you lovely folks soon ;)