Ok...so I've been slackin on my mackin lately. My inbox is SO full of deals and what not that I'm going to have to bunch things up a lil bit. Sowwy. I'm going to start with one of my fav go to's: BuyWithMe. I got two deals for you today, both equally fantab. Actually i think one is better than the other, but you should decide on that by yourself. The first one I got for you is the one that I like more (thus its position as #1). usually spa deals will you get you a set service for a set price. HOWEVER! Today (and for the next few days) you'll be able to cop a $35 certificate that's good for $75 toward ANY service at Christine's Day Spa in Newton. Suh-weet. Manicure, facial, waxing...literally anything. Now that deal can be found here:
The other deal is for those that are looking for a new them in the new year. Or perhaps you just wana work work out. Or maybe someone is forcing you to. Whatever. Either way, this could be the deal of your dreams. I'm not big on the gym AT ALL (which is why this deal isn't really for me) but I know a lot of people that are quite religious about it, or quite religious about promising to start being religious about it. If I were to care to go workout, I think a personal trainer would be best for me. And then I would be wishing that I had bought this deal.$69 will get you 3 One-Hour Private Personal Training Sessions at 11 One2One BodyScapes Locations. That's a freakin' $270 value! Damn right that's a lot of savings. BodyScapes are all over Massachusetts, so no matter what you have a good chance of having one close by. If this deal seems like a good one to you, purchase it here:
Any info that you need can be found by clicking the links. So go get sweaty then get pampered or get pampered then sweaty (which doesn't make much sense) or do either or, but you better not choose to do niether *shakes fist*
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