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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Your Call

Ok, so I've probably said this before about a few things, but I think I may have found what could potentially be one of the greatest creations since sliced bread. It's called Spreezio and it truly does have the makings of something epic. It's super simple to use and makes a hell of a lot of sense. The idea is that you enter an item that you want a deal on along with the radius you're willing to travel for it, and ta-da, a retailer will accept your deal and offer a coupon which you can then print out and bring into the store. Isn't that great?! So I spent the better part of my morning entering everything from shoes to cameras and realized that the selection isn't that great (imo anyway) which is why I said it could potentially be one of the greatest things since sliced bread. Imagine if other retailers caught on and decided to add things from their inventory? I'm talking places like H&M and Saks and Macy's....oh my...what a wonder we would have on our hands. Now I'm just speaking from my own may go on the site and find the exact thing you're looking for at the exact price you're willing to pay for it. And with that being said, don't take my word for it; head on over to Spreezio and see if you can find the best deal EVER

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