6 is one of my favorite numbers for multiple reasons. The fact that it's not too high and not too low on the 1-10 scale is one of them. Another reason is becuz my mom has 6 daughters and we call ourselves Six Set. lol. No we are not a gang, although we do sometimes like to act like we are. Anywho, I'm going to start doing posts every once in a while called The Sexy Six that are just going to be 6 things that I wish I owned. Today's Sexy Six is a special treat cuz they're all on sale. Doesn't mean that I have the money for them though. lol. I love to see friends in stuff that I can't have though (psssh no jealousy over here, please) so if you ever cop any of the things from the Sexy Six that I can't afford send me a pic and I'll be happy as all hell. Even though hell isn't happy. But you get my point. I'll always include prices and links in the Sexy Six for your convenience just cuz I love you so much. I'll do 5 in one post and my top pick gets it's own special posting so I can word-drool as excessively as I wish. Kisses :)
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