This is me and my friend Fumiya at Franklin Pierce this past Spring Weekend. I am extremely hungover in this pic. I only stood up to take this picture because I love this man so much. lol. I spent the majority of the morning sitting on a bench watching everyone else do Around The World. One of these days I'm guna go visit him in Japan. My girl Miku lives there too and one of my besties Chris is stationed there for the next year or so. He's in the Navy. They keep telling me to come on like it's that easy to just hop on a plane to one of the most expensive cities in the world. I'm rocking my Dimepiece Barbie Clones tank which is a great piece of gear. People are always freaked out by it, and they should be. It's supposed to symbolize all the plastic ass "clones" in Hollywood. Cowards...scared to be themselves. Gotta love a message.

I wore this on Thanksgiving last year. I LOVE LAYERS! that that's out of my system those red boots are so much fun. I bought the black ones for my sis and the purple ones for my twinny Joycey for Christmas. They are sex-ay. That looks like a skirt, but it's another of those H&M dresses that I said I have a million of. In the background you can see my main biznatch Marilyn peeking out over my shoes and array of nail polish.

I wore this to my friends bday NY. lol. I got dressed for the club like I was going downtown and hopped on the Lucky Star. I does shit like that bruh. I refuse to live a boring ass life. There are those red boots and my handy dandy jean jacket again. Aren't those ripped tights so much fuuuuun? Glad I'm doing this post cuz I just remembered that I let my sister borrow them. Bout to text her "GIVE ME MY TIGHTS BACK TRICK" right now.

Pretty simple. I bought those Puma's in NY while I was at Apollo with R2 (will do a post on my babes one of these days). We had a break and I ran out to get food, saw these in the window, and that was that. The color is superb. I have a pair of Steve Madden heels in the same lovely hue.

I LOVE THIS SHIRT! I bought it at a flea market for $2, cut the sleeves off and now I adore it. I wore this to the club, but the other day I wore it all bunched up with some flats and jean shorts for a regular day out. Those BCBG heels are in the top 3 most comfortable shoes I own. I wear them to DEATH.

This was this past New Years Eve at my moms house. I love those pants. I wear them to work, to the club, in my regular life. They're fantabulous. That's Nay in the mirror applying makeup. She thank she kuh-yute. She is though.

Me and Nima went to see "This Is It" at midnight. There was no way that I was going to listen to someone talking about it in the morning. I definitely had work the next day. That coat was $8. I fight with myself all the time about whether or not I should cut the shoulder pads out. They're still in for now. That's Papa's hat. I still wear it all the time.

My MJ outfit without my coat and bag. Those watermelon vans are in the top 5 of the best things I've ever purchased. I'll wear them forever.

I woke up that morning, looked at my favorite Marilyn shirt and decided it should be a crop top. So I cut the bottom off. Great decision. I recently ruined it by accidentally puttingit into the washer with something red. Almost ruined it. There's no way I'm throwing it out. I'll find a way to make it work again. That flannel shirt is from the little boys section at Walmart. lol. It's the same as the pic above that i wore to the movies. I have the blue one too.

This is me in Papa's bathroom. I'm all glowy. I love this pic cuz even my tat is glowy. Cool, right? I had the chain over the shirt like it would regularly be worn but it was weighing down the shirt and pushing it between my boobs and I didn't want that look, so I tucked it under and let it hang from below. Genius idea. Now everytime I wear a crop top I try to make one of my long chains work underneath it.

This is that damn fur vest I'm always talking about. This is the canvas side. I rarely wear it this way because the furry side sheds and hairs up whatever I'mwearing underneath. It's also extremely hot. I've worn it this way in the dead of winter and sweated. My hands were freezing though. This was taken in my moms bathroom. Everyone in my family and all of my friends have a picture in the mirror of this bathroom. lol. That's my best friend Big Purp in my hand. Me and that scarf are inseparable. I thought I lost it once and I literally cried. I hope it never really gets lost. Idk what would happen to me.

This is the same vest, furry side up. You can't see the belt that I have on, but it's marvelous. I will show it in all its glory in a post one day. Today is not that day.

Me in a fitting room with Big Purp keeping me warm. Look at Marilyn's pretty ass face staring out from underneath. I have a lavender version of this shirt too. She's in black on that one. I wear this one a lot more though. I actually need to look for the purple one cuz I haven't seen it in a while. My sisters probably stol it. They steal everything.

My fvorite jeans in the whole wide world. I wish I had a pic of everytime I've ever worn these cuz I've worn em with everything I own. lol. knee high boots, tan heels, black flats, grey tanks, black's crazy. Those are the Charles David's you're probably sick of seeing. lol. That silver cuff that I'm rocking is great. I have the bronze one too. People are always like DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN cuz they look like solid metal and they have little spikes on them so they look like they could kill someone but they're actually made up of like 10 different panels and if you pull it they stretch apart.

This belt is one of the most unique pieces I own. I can't even describe it. I'll do a close up one day. I paid $2 for it. It's metal and fur. Greatness. The blue shirt was Papa's, the heels are glittery...all I kept saying that day was "Dorothy ain't got shit on me!" lolol

I wore this to a Betsey Johnson fashion show that i went to with my cousins. There are those fantab harem pants again. Mesh shirt, H&M blazer, bought those booties with the silver heel so I could rock em when I can't wear the BCBG's. Clashing metals is only cute sometimes. For me anyway.

These Abaete over the knee boots are THEE shit. The zipper sucks though so I hardly ever wear them. Folks probably think that these scarves are played out and I don't know when this pic was taken, but I know I still wear mines. Fashion is forever. I picked up a bunch of them at an outdoor market in Vienna.

I took this pic when I found out about the "September Issue". I didn't even know they were making a film about it, I just kept mine because it was the biggest issue of Vogue ever. I absolutely hate this cover, but whatever Ms. Wintour says goes apparently. That's the blue version of the lil boys Walmart shirt I talked about before.

I hope that I never have a reason to do an outfit post this big ever again. I'll try to post things as they come along from now on. Til next time dolls ;)
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