These are the Steve Madden's that are the same color as my Puma's that I talked about not too long ago. Yesterday to be exact. lol. These shoes are perfect. The knot at the top...the T strap...the conical heel...oh my word. My sister Nima has the black ones and my cousin Quiana has them in hot pink. I think mine are the best though, of course. lol. I don't think I would have bought them in the other colors cuz they're too regular. They're cute on them though, of course. I think we all have the right colors for our individual personalities.

These are from H&M. I never buy shoes from H&M cuz they're usually so fugly. When I saw these I was like WTF H&M makes shoes like this?! Since then I've only ever seen one other pair that I would cop. They were an interpretation of some Alexander Wang's I posted a few months back. They were also limited edition. And Boston didn't get them. Boo to that shit. But yea, H&M heels are usually too low for me. I feel unstable in baby heels. These remind me of ballet a lil bit. I love them.

As much as I always swear I'm going to stop buying shoes, I can't. When I see a pair, especially when they're on sale...I simply can't walk away. Both of these were on sale. The H&M ones were only $20 and the Stevies were somewhere around $40. And they were both bought immediately after one of the times I pledged I would stop buying so many damn shoes. I just got rid of a bunch of kicks and heels though so I have room for new ones. lol. I'm going to try not to get any though. Hopefully I don't pass any redic clearance racks in the near future. I'll try to stay away from shopping areas.
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