I chilled around the crib for waaaay too long. My sister came over and straightened my hair then I got hot and just threw it on top of my head. My friends and I always do dinner and gift giving for all of our bdays. I was so amped that my sisters Nay and Nina came too :). We went to Scoozi on Comm Ave and my food was delish. I had lobster tail and steak with asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. Other than the lobster being way overcooked the food was delish. Doesn't it look so pretty?

I've been trying to guess what my gift was all this time and I was so dead ass wrong. My BOURG crew got me a skateboard. A fucking beautiful one. I was uber excited. It has a Marilyn Monroe-esque robot painted on the bottom and it says some lovely things about copping a Robotic Woman to do your dishes and shit. I LOVE IT! The backstory to this is I've always wanted to learn how to skateboard, but I never went ahead and did it. One day we went to this grand opening party for a new skate shop on Newbury (which shall remain unnamed because of how they played me) and we entered a raffle. They showed off the prizes and one was this BEAUTIFUL board. I don't remember who painted it but it had a naked woman on it and it said lovely things. I wanted it so damn bad. I had just moved into my apartment and it was in dire need of direction. I decided that if i won the board my crib would begin to look complete cuz I woulda thrown that baby up so fast...whoo boy. Anywho, so they're doing the raffle and a few of my friends stop by. It's one of their bdays and he wants me to run off to Jillians with him for some drinks. I leave my tickets with my friend Basi and run out to talk to him for a second. I get a call from Basi. My ticket had won the fucking board. I hauled ass back inside just in time to see them handing it over to someone else. I'm like WHAT THE FUCK?! I stepped outside, so they told mw that I couldn't have it. I was so fuckin pissed I left the place and went to Jillians. I was literally right outside and it was only for seconds! UGH! So, knowing how much I love Ms Monroe these lovely friends of mine went off and copped me the cutest fucking board ever. I showed my Shadster and she wants to learn too. I'm going to get us some elbow and knee pads, helmets and cheaper boards for us to learn on. We're def both amped about it. Ain't she purty tho?

We decided to go to the Phoenix and these are the shoes that I wore. The Shadster bought them for me for Christmas and I'd never worn them until then. I had on this Guess? dress that I bought last year (maybe the year before) for New Year's in NY. It's a lovely dress. I count it as my item of clothing that will let me know when I start gaining old folk weight. lol. I should have taken a pic of it, but i didn't. It will be worn again. Probably soon. Because I didn't end up going to the Phoenix. I got dressed up to eat wing dings at hi fi. I didn't mind. The club was way too crowded. It got wild. Joyce and I ordered a couple Bud's from the pizza joint and gave each other our last bday toast.

On another note, while we were outside the club I looked in the window and noticed this shit. WTF? An evening gown and a fencing mask? Is that what that is?

That was my bday in a nutshell. There was more, but I've done way too much on here already today. lol. Maybe I'll do more later or tomorrow or someday soon. I'm currently at work contemplating going across the street to Walgreen's to cop a few red bulls. O yea I forgot the part about Brandon picking me up on his bike once I got home and driving 100+ mph to Revere Beach. I thought the skin on my face was going to peel off and fly away into the wind. He says he's gone 155 before. I want no parts of that.
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