Isn't it cute. He bought the silver one for himself. We were out because he wanted to buy something to wear to my bday party at Fran's Place the next day. He got some sneakers that I thought were cute but that he apparently hated and I ended up back at the mall with him the next morning. Before that I had to go out with my lil sis to find her something to wear. I'm like dudes...wtf?! I'm rockin shit outa my own closet and it's my damn party. Whatevs. Of course lil brothers and sisters don't care about things like that. Anywho, this is what I wore. I guess I was an 80's rocker (please excuse the shittiness of my room. It's not like that all the time I promise)

Pics of what happened that night are soon to come. All I can say is HOT ASS MESS. I was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Bad hit. I had fun though. Probably too much. I wish that you all were there to enjoy the festivities. I use that word way too much and I always feel like I spell it wrong cuz of all those i's. I messed up and put this paragraph in the wrong place and I'm not going to fix it. You understand what's going on I'm sure. Back to my story... I woke up in the morning a complete mess. You don't even wana know what happened, but I made myself feel better through my own surgery and then I prescribed my own meds. You don't have to stretch your imagination too far to know what I mean. You just have to know me a lil bit. lol. After I felt like I was at least 80% I started to feel oddly domestic. I decided that it was the fourth and in order to get myself in the mood I needed to do something that would keep me busy and make me happy in the end. I decided to bake a cake. Isn't it so pretty? I'm going to make another one this weekend. I'm having another party on Friday and I intend to have a get together at my house on Saturday. I'm starting to think that maybe I should do it at my mom's instead since she'll be in Jamaica, I have friends coming in from multiple states, and my house is a shack. Stay tuned for more pics of this crazy ass weekend. Gotta keep ya'll entertained you know? lol.
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