I literally just took this picture right now. lol. I painted my nails like 30 minutes ago in the break room. I bought this ring from So Good downtown for $10 to go with my birthday dress. I'll put pics of my second party up one of these days. That harlot shade of red is one of my favs.

I LOVE this ring. But it's broken. I know it was one of my damn sisters. I just know it :(. I got it a while back from Wet Seal. There's no more of course, and I'm very sad about it. Doesn't this orange make you think of the word delightful? lol

I bought this ring because it reminded me of royalty. No, seriously.

I actually have this ring on right now as well. I call it The Rock. Imagine getting something like this when you get proposed to? I wouldn't want it, too plain for me as a wedding ring, but your hand would be weighed the fuck down. Black and white polish are so damn hard to paint I swear.

The Rock with a neon yellow shade.

This purple rose is one of my only plastic rings. I wish I had more. I went through this insane pink polish phase over the winter. I think that's when this pic was taken.

This ring is everything. It's from So Good and people are obsessed with it. I didn't even think it was that hot when I bought it. I just didn't have any red rings and I love finding big ones that aren't just stupid looking. I also love flower rings. Actually I love flower anything. You can clearly tell from this pic that my love for accessories doesn't end with rings. I'll do a post on all my crap one of these days. Scarves, then belts, then bracelets and so on and so forth. All in due time.

The darling Punky had this ring made :). I don't really know Punky personally, but any of you that have been following me for a while can probably remember when I first started my obsession with her because of her GENIUS idea aka The Haberdash. Anywho, she went to NY for Fashion Week, found a guy on the street making rings, and had a bunch made for all of her loyal customers. This is mine :) Love it.

Even though the middle of this is silver i call this my Pot O' Gold

These are some of the grestest nails I've ever painted. I called them Cosmic. lol. I also adore this ring, but I have no clue where it is. I'm certain that one of my sisters stole it. They do shit like that.

This ring is ridiculous and I know it. When my Uncle OC died I went out wandering cuz I was so heartbroken. We knew it was coming, but that certainly didn't make it any easier. I went out and bought the most ignorant ring that I could find because he always use to say things like "Baby, you stylin'! They ain't got shit on you!" lol. He loved my rings and nail poish. I call this the Otis ring. I think it's a fitting tribute seeing as though his personality was as equally over the top as this ring. This gray is called On The Prowl. It was part of the Hello Kitty/MAC collaboration. My fav polish EVER. So mad it was limited edition :(

Went to my friends wedding in Schenectady, NY and decided to get blinged out. lol.

I went through a little phase where I would paint my pinky a different color from the rest of my nails I enjoyed that phase. I also enjoyed this ring. No clue where the hell it is now.

Blingin' again in the elevator of my grandfather's building. lol. That leopard bracelet is one of the grestest things I own. I broke that lucite one with the huge rhinestones. It was a bday gift from my aunt. The clasp is magnetic and idk wtf I did but it won't stick anymore. Uber pissed.

Another from my different color pinky phase.

I call this the Jeebus ring. lol. I say Jeebus a lot. It's an ode to Homer Simpson. I don't think I've let you guys in on that obsession. It's definitely my oldest one. I can remember looking forward to Sunday nights as far back as 2nd grade. I had Bart sheets and everything. lol. My love for those little yellow people has never faded.

This is one of the grestest rings that ever existed...and I broke it. I'm hoping I can put it back together. The actual ring part broke off from the boy and girl just because of how it sticks out. That happens with a lot of costume jewelry rings. Sucks. Isn't this blue beautiful?

Boy and girl again this time with black polish. I included this one because I'm wearing my favorite pants. lol. If I could wear these everyday I would. Steve calls them my grandma pants because of the faded floral print. lol.

This is a pic I took when I was volunteering at the burlesque conference a few months ago with my sissy Nima. We do the most fun shit I swear. You might recall those Charles David's that I'm rocking from a post where I mentioned them being in the background. It's when I was talking about getting those dope ass $200 Jeffrey Campbell knee high bondage boots for only $48 from LF. The bag is from the one and only Punky. She DIY'd the studs.

Last but not least is the ring I call the Bondage/Bandage depending on whether I'm into O's or A's on that particular day. I bought it from a random shop in NY for $4. I wore it this weekend to my friend's baby's christening and people tried to steal it off my finger. This mint green is so summery. Corny, but whatev's.

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